Sunday, April 29, 2007

City of Boston, State of Confusion

Darcy aka D.Fizzle, reporting for blog duty as promised. I love my jobs. They are very rewarding because I have so far contributed in some way to the following successes:

#1: Convincing Boston Beer Works (with Elyse) to shut down half of their restaurant for 12 hours, free of charge, and even giving us a parking spot next to the owner’s in their private lot. Then avoiding getting kicked out of said establishment even after our 50 man crew took over, covered up the view of their precious brewing tanks with a very large piece of duvetyn, and possibly contributed to the downfall of their complicated and frustrating DVD system

#2: Doing a sweet K-Turn at a Hess station in a 13 person van while Chris watched in admiration

#3: Continually battling and defeating the dreaded “Easy Cart,” a lighting storage device which Jac and I are convinced is actually a “Difficult Cart” simply masquerading as it’s far simpler “Easy” cousin who no doubt accepts the replacing of light stands in a less confrontational manner

#4: Verbally accosting a large German gentleman in a Shelton elevator and somehow cajoling him into acting as an extra

#5: Thoroughly vacuuming locations so they looked neater than when we arrived, though Chris’s sweeping technique seems to be a real crowd pleaser

#6: Singing random and obnoxious songs that become ingrained in the minds of our crew members for days on end: i.e. “Shake” by the Ying Yang Twins, “This Is Why I’m Hot” by Mims and a riveting tribute to duvetyn version of Wayne Newton’s “Danke Schoen”

#7: Inventing new nicknames and jingles for Dave Runkle: Runky Runk and the Funky Bunch, Runk Master Flex, The Runkinator, Davetyn Runkle, Dave Runkle Esq. "We've Got The Runk," "Won't You Take Me To Runkytown?" "Play That Runky Music White Boy" etc (partial credit goes to Jordan Newman and Rich for the Runkle tunes)

#8: Writing a mind-bogglingly good Key Grip/Best Boy rap that has yet to be produced because, and not to point fingers, but Rich is lazy

#9: Giving Oscar much-deserved back massages on 2 separate occasions… Not to brag, but I’m told they were amazing

#10: Visiting City Hall so many times in one week that the Departments of Transportation and Public Works knew me by name and ran in fear at my mounting requests for parking meters, resident parking spots, and rain dates

#11: Fending off a meter-maid who was prepared to give our truck a $120 dollar ticket for parking in a handicapped zone to unload- this success was a direct result of Jac and I working our feminine wiles, though showing him our permit may have had something to do with it – and I’m pretty sure Alex overshadowed our accomplishment by running out into traffic to rescue a single stray can of Sobe Gold only moments later

And last but not least…

#12 Getting a 9AM phone call from my Dad alerting me to the fact that, due to this project, I have racked up over 1000 minutes on my cell in the past month. Thanks for the heads up, Verizon.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Easily the greatest single sentence uttered by any crew member during the production of "RES LIFE"

"Well where is the key to this room? If you don't have it you better go find out who does and get there ass down here! (beat) IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!"

- Darcy to an inept GSU employee at 7:15 am when we had paid $60 dollars for him to arrive at 7am and let us into Thurman Center

Matt Agnello said...

Darcy, you can manage my locations any day. /sexual_inuendo